She Reads Truth Bible Review (Video)
I wanted to take the time to highlight one of my favorite Bibles that I recently purchased: She Reads Truth. It is has been an immense help in learning and understanding scripture. I’ve been using it as my main Bible this year as I read through it in its...
Connecting at “The Swap”
This past Monday, I attended a gathering at my church called “The Swap.” The Swap is essentially a monthly gathering of women who swap meaningful items (books, etc.) and advice/stories with one another. The Swap was ultimately created for connection with other women in the church. Now I will...
Trusting God
Over the past few years, I’ve been learning something about trusting God. It seems like each day has been a test for me in trusting God! When I graduated from college and entered the real world, the test began. Being a working adult, not seeing my life pan out...
Top Christian Apps (2018)
I’ve released a video on my YouTube channel about my top five Christian apps for 2018, and I’d like to share five additional apps that I think you may benefit from: PrayerMate Daily Audio Bible iDisciple Bible App for Kids RefNet Christian Radio The Overflow Music Streaming Check out...
Bible Study Resources
Studying the Bible is paramount to growing in your relationship with God. Luckily, we live in a time where Bible study resources are readily available at our fingertips (literally)! Therefore, we must use the resources available to us in order to learn, study, and apply the Word of God...
The Struggle Leads to The Purpose
Have you ever felt deep down in your spirit that God was calling you to do something? You may not know exactly what that something is, but you know that you are pregnant with a dream, an idea, a purpose. You feel this purpose tugging at you everyday, even...